check the divisibility of the following number by 2,3and 5 .729
729 - Not divisible by 2
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3729 - Not divisible by 5
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3729 - Not divisible by 5If number should be divisible by 2 then the last digit should be even number .So it is not divisible by 2.
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3729 - Not divisible by 5If number should be divisible by 2 then the last digit should be even number .So it is not divisible by 2.7 + 2 + 9 = 18.
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3729 - Not divisible by 5If number should be divisible by 2 then the last digit should be even number .So it is not divisible by 2.7 + 2 + 9 = 18.If the sum of the numbers are divisible by 3 , then that number will also divisible by 3.
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3729 - Not divisible by 5If number should be divisible by 2 then the last digit should be even number .So it is not divisible by 2.7 + 2 + 9 = 18.If the sum of the numbers are divisible by 3 , then that number will also divisible by 3. 18 is divisible by 3 , so 729 is also divisible by 3
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3729 - Not divisible by 5If number should be divisible by 2 then the last digit should be even number .So it is not divisible by 2.7 + 2 + 9 = 18.If the sum of the numbers are divisible by 3 , then that number will also divisible by 3. 18 is divisible by 3 , so 729 is also divisible by 3If the number should be divisible by 5 , then that number should end with 0 or 5.
729 - Not divisible by 2729 - Divisible by 3729 - Not divisible by 5If number should be divisible by 2 then the last digit should be even number .So it is not divisible by 2.7 + 2 + 9 = 18.If the sum of the numbers are divisible by 3 , then that number will also divisible by 3. 18 is divisible by 3 , so 729 is also divisible by 3If the number should be divisible by 5 , then that number should end with 0 or 5.So it is not divisible by 5.