Math, asked by Elsa0121, 4 months ago

Check the divisibility of the following numbers by 8? a) 56328 b) 129130 ​
Please tell


Answered by Dakshvashishth


(a) yes , (b) no

Step-by-step explanation:

as last three digits if 56328 which is 328 that is divisible by 8

and last three digits of 129130 which is 130 it is not divisible by 8

if you like my answer please mark me as brainliest and follow me also

Answered by akaur2774


First one is divisible by 8

2nd one is not divisible by 8

Step-by-step explanation:

56328/8 we get 7041

129130/8 we get 16141.25

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