Check the injectivity and surjectivity of the Signum function.
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injectivity denotes the one one nature of a function which is not so in the case of signum
because signum has value -1 for inputs less than 0, 0 for inputs equal to 0, and 1 for inputs greater than 0.
for example
my inputs are -4 and -2
then the value of their signum will be -1 .
therefore not injective
surjetctivity denotes the onto nature or the case in which codomain = range
Now, as f(x) takes only 3 values (1, 0, or - 1) for the element - 2 in co-domain R, there does not exist any x in domain R such that f(x) = - 2. ∴ f is not onto.
not surjective
Neither injective not surjective.
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