Math, asked by s02573jerusha, 1 month ago

Check whether the given numbers 4,7,20 & 35 are in proportion


Answered by YJ1221


Here's the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Proportion = 4 : 7 :: 20 : 35

Product of Extreme is equal to Product of Mean That is,

4 × 35 = 7 × 20

140 = 140

Thus the given numbers are in a Proportion.

Answered by harinipuppy120

Step-by-step explanation:

Check whether the two ratios form a proportion or not: (i) 6 : 8 and 12 : 16; (ii) 24 : 28 and 36 : 48. ... To get 20 in the numerator, we have to multiply 5 by 4. So, we ...

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