Science, asked by dharammandal2017, 5 months ago

A. Choose the correct option.
1. The part of a flower that protects it in the bus stage is the
a) petals
b) ovaries
1) sepals
d) Stamens
2. Which part of the flower becomes the seed
a) ovary
b) srigina
d) Dyule
3. Which of the following flowers is monosexual
a) hibiscus
b) maize
C) jaanine
d) rose
4. Which of these represents reproduction in plant?
3) stigum stigma b) anther anther c) stigma - anther
d) anther --> Stiva
5. Which of the following helps in the pollination of a flower by insects
a) long, feathery sugma
b) bright, scented flowers
c) waterproof pollen grains
d) large number of pollen grains
B. Form similar pairs of words.
1 cahy and sepals / corolla and
2. androrciun and stanzen /
and carpel
3. bisexual flower and rore / monosexual flower and
4. craa pollination and many /
and sunllower
5. bright coloured flowers and inreds / large feathery stigma and
-bees, butterflies,
C. Say If the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
1. The main function of the flowers is to make the plant look more colourful
2. The outermost whorl of a flower is made of sepals.
3. The androecium is the innermost whorl of the flower.
4. Flowers can be classified broadly into bisexual and monosexual flowers.
5. Pollination can be carried out only by insects.
D. Short-answer questions
1 How does a flower attract small insects and birds
2. Name the four whorls of the flower.
3. What is the difference berween the androecium and the gynoecium?
E. Long-answer questions
1. Write one function of each of the following: i pedicel ll. petalui sepal iv. stigma
2. Differentiate between self pollination and cross pollination
3. How do insects carry pollen from one flower to another?
4. Give three characteristics each of flowers pollinated by wiad and insects.​


Answered by anitakhinchi087


Oh what a long Questions

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