chemical preservative is a better from of perservation than pasteurization to perserve squash and cordial justify
preservative is a process in which we save food for a long time without spoilage and the proteins present in it preserve vitamins and minerals for a long time.
chemical preservative :- Chemical preservation is used to kill all microorganism present in the food. Chemicals are used in food by mixing, by sprinkle on the surface , by sprinkle the vapour or gases.
type of chemical preservative :-
(1) organic acid
(2) inorganic acid
(3) antibiotics
pasteurization :- In this process we heat the packaged food or the unpacked food at a low hot temperature, such as by maintaining the temperature below the 100 degree of Celsius, we kill the microbes inside it and these food Avoiding long-term spoilage, for example, canned milk or packets of milk found in the market are made from the process of pasteurization.
Thus, the chemical preservation process can save food for a long time because it uses chemical and the food remains safe for many days, the pasteurization process does not use chemicals and it cannot keep food safe for many days.