Science, asked by ankits48010, 4 months ago

1. Which gas is called dry ice? Why?
2. A solution of Ures in water contains 16 grams of it in 120 grams of solution. Find ou​


Answered by DhruvSalvi

Answer second

Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is used primarily as a cooling agent. Its advantages include lower temperature than that of water ice and not leaving any residue (other than incidental frost from moisture in the atmosphere).

answer first

Answered by rahal2133042


1. dry ice ,carbon dioxide in its solid form a dence snow like substance that sublimes (passes directly into vapor without melting ) at -78.5° C (109.3°F) used as a refrigerant especially during shipping of perishable products such as meats or ice cream

2. Mass of solute =16g

Mass of solution =120g

Mass %=Mass of solute / Mass of solution x 100

=16/120 x 100

= 13.333333333.....%

= 13% (approx )


Hope it helps you !

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