Physics, asked by shivankpatel20, 6 hours ago




Revision from Ch 1 and 2

Learn and solve the revision in your text book.

Q1. Choose the correct option –

i. Which one is not matter ?

Sound Air

ii. Which of the following is a compound ?

Water Gold

iii. The solid particles in solid are packed –

tightly loosely

iv. Spoilage of food is a –

Undesirable change Periodic change

v. No new substance is found in –

Physical change Chemical change

Q2. Fill in the blank –

i. ____ expand the least on heating.

ii. A gas under pressure is said to be _____ .

iii. Conversion of solid to liquid on heating is called ______ .

iv. A specific sample of matter is called _____ .

v. ______ are made up of atoms of same type.

Q3. Write T for true and F for false –

i. Particle in gases are tightly packed due to less intermolecular attraction.

ii. All materials have some common properties.

iii. Every molecule of water contain two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.

iv. A Chemical change is always an irreversible change .

v. Appearing a rainbow in the sky is a Periodic change .

Q4. Match the following –

i. Grinding of wheat to flour Reversible change

ii. Stretching of a rubber band Physical change

iii. Ammonium chloride fixed proportions

iv. Compounds have Fixed volume but no fixed shape

v. Liquids Sublimate. Give two example for each of the following –

i. A slow and natural change. ______ , ______

ii. A physical and irreversible change. ______ , _____.

iii. Pure Substance . _____ , _____

iv. Compounds . ______ , ______ .

v. A fast and chemical change . _____ , ______.

Q6. State whether the following are Physical or Chemical change –

i. Respiration in living things.

ii. Tearing of cloth.

iii. Photosynthesis

iv. Mixing sugar with water.

v. Squeezing of a rubber ball.

Q7. Define the following terms –

Rusting Fermentation Condensation Elements

Inter-particle force of attraction​


Answered by arunaryan


1 sound , gold, tightly, undesirable change, physical change

Answered by lisa857


sound, gold, tightly


hope it's helpful for

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