chemistry chpts which can be done only from ncert for neet 2019?
Class XIClass XIISome Basic Concepts of ChemistrySolid stateStructure of AtomSolutionsClassification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesElectrochemistryChemical Bonding and Molecular StructureChemical KineticsStates of Matter: Gases and LiquidsSurface ChemistryThermodynamicsGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of ElementsEquilibriump-Block elementsRedox Reactionsd and f Block ElementsHydrogenCoordination Compoundss-Block ElementsHaloalkanes and HaloarenesSome p-Block ElementsAlcohols, Phenols and EthersOrganic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesAldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic AcidsHydrocarbonsOrganic Compounds Containing NitrogenEnvironmental ChemistryBiomolecules(-)Polymers(-)Chemistry in Everyday Life