Science, asked by roshiniroshini427660, 6 months ago

chetan observed a slide of a paramecium and found that it hair-like structures all over its do these structure help the paramecium.​


Answered by Cynefin

Required Answer:-

The very tiny hair like structures all over the body of a paramecium are cillia which helps in the locomotion and movement of the organism.

How do they help?

  • Locomotion of paramaecium is only possible due to the presence of numerous cillias.
  • It helps the body to move forward as well as backward in aquatic surface (mostly).
  • In short, whip like movement.
  • While moving forward, they move from anterior to posterior part and vice-versa.
  • They also help in catching prey (feeding of an organism).
  • It helps to remove the foreign particles and contaminates trying to move inside the paramecium.

Anonymous: Superb ✌
Anonymous: The best as always! ♡
angelgirlnew: nice presentation mam . I like your presentation mam ❤
Cynefin: Thank uh! :)
rlsamt2264: superb
Answered by SanityAtStake


Answer. Answer: The hair-like structure used by paramecium to ingest food is called Cilia. ... Cilia help the paramecia to move food into the oral groove, which collects the food and directs it into the mouth.May 1, 2020

angelgirlnew: not bad
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