English, asked by RashmiRatre, 8 months ago

छत्तीसगढ़ माध्यमिक शिक्षा मण्डल, रायपुर
Academic Session 2020-21 Month September
Assignment 01
Class - 12th
Subject - English
निर्देश :- दिए गए प्रश्नों को निर्देशानुसार हल कीजिए।
Instruction - Please attempt the questions as per given instructions.
Q. 1- What was the scene in school on the morning of the last lesson. How was it din
from that on other days?
Mark-4 Word Limit 75
Q. 2- Draw the character sketch of M. Hamel.
Mark-4 Word Limit 75
Q. 3. Draw the character sketch of Franz?
Mark-4 Word Limit 75
Q. 4- Why are the young trees described as sprinting in poem "My mother at sixty six**?
Mark-4 Word Limit 75.
Q. 5. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below
about 50 words each.
India is a land of farmers who are very simple and hard working. Their
wealth is their land. If their crops fail they run into debt and lead a miserable life. 1
are mostly uneducated. They are not familiar with the new implements and impro
methods of farming. They use the same kind of plough as was used many centu
ago. Our government is trying its best to improve the lot of the farmers. They
encouraged to use modern implements good seeds and manures. They are given lo
at low rate of interest. Development blocks have been opened all over the country.
blocks supply superior seeds and good manure
(a) Describe the farmers of India.
(b) How does our government encourage the farmers?​


Answered by omlahamge


the farmers of our nation is our god


we should appreciate them

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