child labour till in 200 words fast please I have to complete my assignment please
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The Child Labour has been an international issue, and it is spoiling the future of many kids who aspires to be a great person someday. It is completely shattering the dreams of those children. They do not deserve to be treated like this. Moreover, the first responsibility is in the hands of their parents. If they have given them birth, they are responsible for nurturing their child and offering him a secure place to live.
The second government is also responsible for this shameful act like child Labour. We live in the 21st century; we still have to debate on such issues as child Labour. Unfortunately, the government is not taking serious steps to resolve this heinous criminal issue. The Indian law says no child can be forced to work below the age of 14 years. However, still there so many children who have to work hard to earn the two times meal. The cause for child labour is unemployment.
The organisations do not want to spend more money on a full-time adult worker, so they keep a child to work on a daily wage basis so that they have to pay less for similar work. As human beings, we have become so selfish that we cannot even spare a small child! As a result future of our country is getting destroyed.