English, asked by aett, 1 year ago

Child working in tea stall dairy entry


Answered by anaya9
9 Feb, 2018
I saw an Eight-year-old boy named Ganpat knows nothing about the law that guarantees him complete freedom from work. All he knows is that his day starts earlier than dawn and ends later than sunset when the UT Secretariat complex goes to rest after a day of hectic activity.

Ganpat has been working at a tea stall here — right under the nose of the Labour Commissioner UT, who might soon ensure he works no more. But for Ganpat, childhood is synonymous with work as work is the only means of survival. If the child were to sit at home, one of his six siblings might have to sleep on an empty stomach. And he wouldn’t like that.

Naturally, he was at work even today when the ban on the employment of children as servants came into force in Chandigarh. The ban follows the modified Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 1986, which has been expanded to include as hazardous the employment of children in domestic and other trades such as dhabas, restaurants, hotels, motels, tea shops, resorts and other recreational centres. Anyone caught employing a child below 14 years in any of these areas could be punished with one-year imprisonment or a fine of Rs 10,000 or both.

hope it helps u
Mark as brainliest answer
Answered by saiftorabigmailcom
Feb 10, 18.
Friday 10:00 p.m..
dear diary,
today was a very disappointing day as I realized how much evilness exists in our society. it's not that I didn't know about it but after witnessing I realized the emotions and the pain. I had a gone to a shop to buy some stuff when my gaze fell upon a kid working in tea stall opposite the road he was sweating and was working with speed. seeding him I felt pity for the boy and also felt that how fortunate I was that I was born to my family. I don't know what he is going through but the effort he is putting is something which I really have to admire and if I really say then I feel nothing in his comparison because he is surviving on his money and I am surviving on my parents.
I wish that no child suffered ! and I could help him!
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