’China becomes an attractive destination for investment by foreign MNCs in the 10th and 20th centuries.’ Justify the statement.
Describe any three main reasons for the decline of textile exports from India in the 19th century.
How did the development or expansion of Bombay (Mumbai) differ from London ? State any three points of difference between the two.
CBSE Class X Social Science SA ( 3 marks)
. China becomes an attractive destination for investment by foreign MNCs in the 10th and 20th centuries because :
(i) Wages were relatively low in countries like China.
(ii) That's why most of the TVs, mobile phones and toys we see in the shops seem to be made in China.
(iii) This is because of the low cost structure in Chinese economy.
(i) Britain imposed import duties on cotton textiles, so that Manchester goods could sell in Britain without facing any competition from outside.
(ii) Cotton wearers in India thus faced two problems at the same time their export market collapsed and the local market shrank being glutted by Manchester imports.
(iii) Produced by machines at lower costs the imported cotton goods were so cheap that weavers could not easily compete with them.
(iv) By the 1850s reports from most weaving regions of India narrated stories of decline and desolation.
(i) Bombay was an over-crowded city, where a person had only 9.5 sq. yards of space whereas, it was around 155 sq. yards per person in London.
(ii) Bombay did not grow according to a plan whereas, London grew according to plan.
(iii) London had an average density of 8 persons per house whereas, the density in Bombay was as high as 20 persons.