Chinese languages you are reply from anomo Kasam Ki Kothi Sunny soccer Kota
Once there lives a man, who has no useful work. He is indulged in mad whims likemaking sculptures, quaint earthen things dotted over with seashells and painting. Allother people laugh at him for his foolish activities. He was the kind of a boy, who neverplies his books, yet passes his examinations. Sometimes, he thinks that he would stop allsuch mad whims, but he is helpless due to his mannerism. All think that he is not going to leave these habits any time soon. There he dies.Nevertheless, a twist in the plot occurs, when there was a blunder committed by theaerial messenger. The messenger puts this idle man in the paradise full of workers. It was
“Workers’ Paradise”, where all are busy in just working, working, and nothing else. The
residents of the paradise are so happy with the amount of work they do every day thatthey pray to God for blessing them with such a humungous workload day in and day out.
In the workers’ paradise, everyone runs to work and recites the words
like verses,
Hurry!Time is flying
“Time is precious” and so on. Though they sigh while doing so, they are as
happy as a clam. Henceforth, the sight of labor does not affect the man, who is unfit forthe paradise. He lounges in the streets absent-mindedly and jostled with hurrying men.Busy farmers took him to task, when he would lay on the green meadows.There the man sees a girl, who actively rushing towards the silent torrent every day to fillher pitchers with water. Her movements on road look like the rapid movement of askilled hand on the strings of guitar. Her hair is carelessly done; few strands on herforehead. The unemployed man gains her attention. Like a princess, who feels pity onbeggars, she feels pity on him because he did not have any work to do. In full of fellowfeelings, she asks him whether she could help him in any way. She offers him some work.In reply, the man says he did not have time to spare for work but for the girl he mightmanage to do some such sort. He asks her whether she could lend him her pitcher. Upon which the girl enquires if he would fill it up with water. He replies, addressing her as thegirl-of-the-silent-torrent, that he would draw some pictures on the pitcher. The replymakes her feel offended. As for her, drawing pictures and painting, were of no use. Heleaves without obliging him, in frustration.The unemployed man requests the girl again the next day and the coming days.Reluctantly, she gives one of her pitchers to him. He draws some random lines on thepitcher and paints it in colors. Though the pitcher looks attractive, the girl could notunderstand what the figures on the pitcher were. Helplessly, she asks him its meaning.
The man replies, in humor, “A picture may have no meaning and may serve no purpose”.
The girl goes away with the pitcher and is unable to sleep in the night. She gets off thebed and tries to find the meaning of the picture. The next morning she is slow in walkingand confused. As she reaches the place where the man is standing, she asks him what heactually wanted of her. To which the man replies that he wants to lessen her burden andtake some work from her hand. He weaves a colorful ribbon with gleaming colors, for her.The girl, now, spends much time in front of the mirror, dressing up. As a result, her worksuffers. This disorder slowly spreads in the whole paradise. People are late to their work.They practiced painting and all sorts of useless work. The elders become anxious aboutthe situation. Then the aerial messenger comes and explains her mistake of putting a
wrong man in workers’ paradise.
The man is summoned by the elder and is asked to leave the paradise straight away. Hesighs in happiness and is about to leave. Unexpectedly, the girl comes and says that shetoo wanted to leave with him. All the residents of paradise are left astonished, as nothingof this sort has happened before.
The writer employs irony throughout the story. He disregards art