English, asked by sopbecker2026, 8 months ago

Choose a political speech, news commentary, or public service announcement. You may choose to use the Internet to conduct your search. Select something that has been in the news in the last year. Using the key points below as a guide, write a bulleted list of notes about the piece you have chosen.

A.What is the argument made by this piece?
B.What is the supporting evidence?
C.Is the evidence strong or weak? Why?


Answered by iloveesrabilgic


Rand Paul's speech about libertarianism is amazingly unexpected. He starts talking about a world with little to no government and he makes you go from finding the idea crazy to thinking that the best thing that we can do to improve our society is to get rid of the government for good.

Rand talks about the Non-Aggression Principe, which guides all the libertarian ideology. Which can be summed up as "do whatever you want, just don't hurt someone else's body, freedom or belongings". Free until you hurt someone else's freedom. It is an easy way of understanding who is right or wrong in almost every conflict that might come up in a society. This is a powerful message, since it reveals that the government tells us what to do with our lives and what we are allowed or not allowed to do with our own bodies.

He also talks about how even though people would be free to do the craziest things that they could think of, they would be guided by their own morals or virtue. For example, it would be very unlikely to see a conservative to suddenly turn to prostitution and drug abuse just because it is illegal if he comes from a community with strong values that contradict that behavior.

Answered by marybella9238


This is what I wrote for my answer


The argument that's made by this piece is that Biden is running a poor democracy

The supporting evidence for the text is ," First, he needs to put the $3.5 trillion spending bill in the freezer and get the popular $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed immediately". Another thing said was," Second, he has to get a handle on the immigration crisis" and," Finally, he needs to help Kamala Harris become a better vice president".  

The supporting evidence is weak because though he's pointing out easily visible issues, he's not giving any evidence to back himself up. He just states what Biden needs to do but not why.

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