English, asked by popstarmohit, 7 months ago

Choose and fill in the blanks with Pronouns.
1.__________was going with her son. (He/She)
2.Awoman was looking at a building of______(his/her).
3________of the students were naughty. (Any / Some)
4 _______has written this letter. (Anybody/Somebody)
5. I have done it_______(myself ourselves)
6.________is a new shirt. (That/These)
7._________are experienced soldiers. (That/Those)
8) ________has come now? (Who/Whom)
9.___________was that bag? (Whom/Whose)
10. This is the house_______is for sale(what/that)​


Answered by rakzhana01


  • she
  • her
  • some
  • anybody
  • myself
  • that
  • those
  • who
  • whose
  • that
Answered by angeljohngibi

Answer:1. She

2. His

3. Some

4. Somebody

5. Myself

6. That

7. Those

8. Who

9. Whose

10. That


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