English, asked by khianloke, 10 months ago

Choose and modify a specific model of communication by labeling it with actual people events and place create a model which you think can help our goverement and other frontliners in the battle against the pandemic covid 19 draw and label the functions of your new model inside the box


Answered by mohanzugare91


covid 19 stay home stay safe

Answered by Yashraj2022sl


The new model that can help our goverenment and other front liners in the battle against the pandemic COVID 19.


We all need to be intentional and thoughtful when communicating on social media and other communication platforms, showing supportive behaviors around the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

Tips on possible actions to counter stigmatizing attitudes:

1. Spreading the facts: Stigma can be heightened by insufficient knowledge about how the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is transmitted and treated, and how to prevent infection. In response, prioritise the collection, consolidation and dissemination of accurate country- and community-specific information about affected areas, individual and group vulnerability to COVID19, treatment options and where to access health care and information. Use simple language and avoid clinical terms. Social media is useful for reaching a large number of people with health information at relatively low cost.

2. Engaging social influencers: Such as religious leaders on prompting reflection about people who are stigmatized and how to support them, or respected celebrities to amplify messages that reduce stigma. The information should be well targeted and the celebrities who are asked to communicate this information must be personally engaged, and geographically and culturally appropriate to the audiences they seek to influence.

3. Amplify the voices: Stories and images of local people who have experienced the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and have recovered or who have supported a loved one through recovery to emphasise that most people do recover from COVID-19. Also, implementing a “hero” campaign honouring caretakers and healthcare workers who may be stigmatized.

4. • Ethical journalism: Journalistic reporting which overly focuses on individual behaviour and patients’ responsibility for having and “spreading COVID-19” can increase stigma of people who may have the disease. Some media outlets have, for example, focused on speculating on the source of COVID-19, trying to identify “patient zero” in each country. Emphasizing efforts to find a vaccine and treatment can increase fear and give the impression that we are powerless to halt infections now. Instead, promote content around basic infection prevention practices, symptoms of COVID-19 and when to seek health care.

Misconceptions, rumours and misinformation are contributing to stigma and discrimination which hamper response efforts.

1. Correct misconceptions - At the same time as acknowledging that people’s feelings and subsequent behaviour are very real, even if the underlying assumption is false.

2. Promote the importance of prevention-  Lifesaving actions, early screening and treatment.

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