Choose and write any 2 directive principles of state policy which are based on gandhain principles
1. Status of Women
Indian society basically is a male dominated society in which father has been head of the
family and mother’s position has been subordinated to him. The position of a woman in
such a system is naturally weak. Women have been suffering a great deal on account of
cruel social customs and religious practices like, pardah and dowry etc.
2.Universalisation of Education
The percentage of literate people at the time of independence was only 14%. Our
government realized the importance of education and laid stress on the spread of literacy
among the masses. Efforts have been made by the governments to raise this level. But a
large section of our population is still illiterate. The foremost effort which is required in this
field-is the spread of elementary education and its universalisation. Due to increased number
of drop outs at the primary stage, the number of illiterates between 15 to 35 years of age
has constantly increased.