Physics, asked by lavina13, 1 year ago

Choose incorrect option:.

(A) It is possible for an object to accelerate (⃗ ≠ 0) and still have a constant speed.

(B) It is possible for an object to accelerate (⃗ ≠ 0) and still travel in a straight path.

(c )It is possible for an object to accelerate (⃗ ≠ 0) and still have a constant velocity.

(D) It is possible for an object to have acceleration (⃗ ≠ 0) and yet have zero displacement

in a time interval​


Answered by satyam2060


The incorrect option is (c)

  • It is never possible for an object to accelarate at a constant velocity because change in velocity is required for accelaration.

hope it helps you

please mark brainliest

Answered by AyushSehrawat


Velocity = Speed definition + particular direction

According to me the b, c optiona

Is incorrect


1 st one is right because

An object's acceleration is the rate its velocity (speed and direction) changes. Therefore, an object can accelerate even if its speed is constant

2nd part is wrong because for acceleration to happen direction should change.. Because its velocity changes so direction changes... No matter it has high speed but moving in a particular direction will give that object p acceleration

3 rd is wrong because a constant velocity means in a const. Speed and direction whereas acceleration requires direction change

4th one is right.. Think of a circular path.. Direction changes at every point and acceleration is not 0 still displacement is 0

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