choose one alternative to complete the sentence look at the map – you will get lost
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look at the map or you will get lost
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Look at the map otherwise you will get lost
- The word otherwise is used in many different ways. Otherwise is used to introduce the probable outcome of a given situation. The same idea can be expressed using if not or unless. Otherwise is also be used as an ordinary adverb.
- Otherwise also implies if not. It is used for conveying that if one thing does not take place, something else would occur, for example, We must hurry up; otherwise we will miss the bus.
- Otherwise is used to suggest that something is factual since the situation would be different if it was not factual, for example, Shruthika must be intelligent; otherwise, she would not have won the quiz competition.
- Otherwise also means differently, for example, Governments should prohibit or otherwise prevent the sale of illicit alcohol.
- Otherwise is used to suggest that something is true but for the fact you have mentioned, for example, I am a quite tired but otherwise I am feeling well.
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Hurry up. You will miss the show. combine using otherwise ...
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