Choose the correct answer. Each question carries 1 mark.
1. The battle of Adyar war-
(10x1 = 10 Marl
(A) 1846
(B) 1840
(C) 1842
(D) 1844
2. Clive had attacked-
(A) Tanjore
(B) Trichinapalli
(C) Arcot
(D) Pondicherry.
3. The main reason for the success of the British in the wars of Karnataka was
(A) His army was powerful
(B) His ship fleet was powerful
(C) The fort of Madras was powerful (D) His trade was prosperous.
4. What was the main reason for the arrival of Europeans in India-?
(A) Establishment of colonies
(B) Promoting religion
(C) Making sea searches
(D) Establishing commercial relations.
5. The Doab region was taken away from the Nawab of Awadh.
(A) Clive
(B) Cornwallis
(C) Wellesley
(D) Warren Hastings.
6. Indians were first appointed to higher administrative posts -
(A) Carnavalis
(B) Wellejali
(C) Bentik
(D) Metcalf.
7. The education policy was decided during the period of Baitink -
(A) Macaulay
(B) Wilson
(C) John Shore
(D) John Duncan
8. The policy to usurp the native states was started -
(A) Lord Wellesley
(B) Lord Hastings
(C) Lord Bentick
(D) Lord Dalhousie.
9. Dalhousie did not apply the Harappa policy to which state-
(B) Banaras
(D) Jaipur.
(C) Nagpur
10. The operators of the company did not allow a state to annex -
(B) Baghat
(A) Sambalpur
(D) Udaipur.
(C) Karauli
(A) Jhansi
Answered by
Every society is divided into various groups and these groups enjoy different social statuses and privileges.
This division of society is called social stratification. The term social stratification refers to the division of a population into strata, one on the top of another, on the basis of possession of certain characteristics, like inborn qualities, material possessions and performances. It involves the distribution of unequal rights and privileges among the members of
Answered by
- you have givened the first question options wrongly right answer 1746 2nd answer is pondicherry 3rd answer is his army was powerfull 4 th answer is establishment of British colonies 5 th answer is Clive
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