English, asked by mmprajapati, 6 months ago

Choose the correct F.O.S 2M

15) The daisy smiled at the morning sun.

a) Pun b) Metaphor c) Personification

16) Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right

a) Metaphor b) Oxymoron c) Hyperbole ​


Answered by upenderjoshi28


15. c) Personification

16. c) Hyperbole ​


Personification is the technique or practice of representing objects, qualities, etc. as humans, in art and literature. Poems, ‘The Brook’, ‘Song of the Rain’, and ‘Ode to Autumn’ are some famous examples of personification.

Hyperbole is a way of writing that makes the thing written about more exciting, and exaggerated. Hyperbole is usually used in literature and fictional works. Following are some of examples of hyperbole:

She is as heavy as an elephant!

I waited for her for an eternity.

I think she will die of shame.

Answered by vikkyvikas317




Personification is the technique or practice of representing objects, qualities, etc. as humans, in art and literature. ... Hyperbole is usually used in literature and fictional works.

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