English, asked by pradheeba81, 1 month ago

choose the correct meaning quest (displeased/search)​


Answered by priyakumarit10


The correct meaning of quest is to search.


Meaning of quest: An attempt to do anything; a search for solutions. 2: an often perilous journey undertaken in search of something, such as a hunt for hidden treasure. More on the hunt from Merriam-Webster.

Quest is a verb or a noun.

Instances of quests

1) They will not be deterred from their pursuit of the truth.

2) She had come looking for guidance.

3) I'm still looking for a better bank.

4) They are looking for oil using a novel prospecting technique.

A "quest" implies an epic tale, as you mentioned. The least effective of the three verbs is "search," which also sounds the widest and might be used in a variety of contexts.

You could be "looking" for your car keys, but unless you were joking, you wouldn't be "pursuing" or "seeking" them.


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