Social Sciences, asked by IIxxUNKNOWNxxII, 3 months ago

Choose the correct option:
1. _______ Tribe is based in Odisha. a) Bhotia b) Santhal c) Dongria Kandha d) Oraons
2. Kalamkari print is created by weavers of ___in India. a) Maharashtra b) Andhra Pradesh c) Karnataka d) Tamil Nadu
3. Nana sahib, the adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao II led the revolt at a) Kanpur b) Awadh c) Jagdishpur d) Bithur
4. Which of the following methods is most appropriate to check soil erosion on steep slopes? a) Shelter belts b) Mulching c) Terrace cultivation
5. Which one of the followings is a leading producer of copper in the world? a) Bolivia b) Ghana c) Chile d) Zimbabwe 6. Who devised the new-system of revenue called Mahalwari? a) Queen Elizabeth b) Holt Mackenzie c) Queen Victoria d) Thomas Munroe
7. Growers of woad in Europe saw crop as competition to their earnings. a) Tea b) Rubber c) Indigo d) Coffee
8. ………….. Tribe practised settled agriculture. a) Khonds b) Santhals c) Labadis of Andhra Pradesh d) Mundas of Chottanagpur Plateau
9. Bakht Khan was a soldier from a) Meerut b) Agra c) Bareilly d) Delhi
10. How many sepoys were dismissed from service and sentenced to ten years in jail on 9 May, 1857? a) Eighty b) Eighty-five c) Ninety d) Ninety-five​


Answered by akshithakattimani15

1. b) Santhal

2. b) Andha padesh

3. a) kanpu

4. c) teace cultiation

5. c) chile

6. b) holt makanzie

7. c) indigo

8. d) mundas

9. c) beeilly

10. b) 85 sepoys

Answered by XxitzurshehzadixX

I.d firse de

ya meri lele


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