English, asked by bhargavram3680, 8 months ago

Choose the option that arranges the given set of words in the 'most meaningful order. The
words when put in order should make logical sense according to size, quality, quantity,
occurrence of events, value, appearance, nature, process, etc.
1. Earn
2 Shopping
4 Money


Answered by Rajakamala


is the correct answer


Answered by qwwestham

The given set of words, when arranged in 'the most meaningful order', will be, Boy, Job, Earn, Money, Shopping. That is 3, 5, 1, 4, 2.

  • Here, it can be seen that the given set of words is Earn, Shopping, Boy, Money, and Job.
  • Now, observing carefully, we can see that there is a series or occurrence of events that may happen when a boy gets a job and earns money, which could be formed from these words.
  • So, first of all, there shall be a boy (event 1). The boy gets a job (event 2). After getting a job, definitely the boy starts earning (event 3) and shall get a salary (that is, money) (event 4). Since the boy has got money, he will go shopping (event 5).
  • Thus, the given words shall be arranged according to the occurrence of events, and the correct order will be, Boy, Job, Earn, Money, Shopping.


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