Choose the report view that only allows you to view data and not edit it. (a). print view (b). report view (c) . design view
answer (b) report view
answer by
Layout view Layout view is a more visually-oriented view than Design view. While viewing a form in Layout view, each control displays real data. As a result, this is a very useful view for setting the size of controls, or performing many other tasks that affect the visual appearance and usability of the form.
Certain tasks cannot be performed in Layout view and require switching to Design view. In certain situations, Access displays a message telling you that you must switch to Design view to make a particular change.
Design view Design view gives you a more detailed view of the structure of the form. You can see the Header, Detail, and Footer sections for the form. You cannot see the underlying data while you are making design changes; however, there are certain tasks you can perform more easily in Design view than in Layout view. You can:
Add a wider variety of controls to the form, such as labels, images, lines, and rectangles.
Edit text box control sources in the text boxes themselves, without using the property sheet.
Resize form sections, such as the Form Header or the Detail section.
Change certain form properties that cannot be changed in Layout view (such as Default View or Allow Form View).