Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world?(a) Latvia (c) Japan(b) United Arab Emirates (d) France
(a) lavita
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Latvia has the highest sex ratio in the world.
Among the given options option (a) Latvia is correct.
Extra information :
Sex ratio is measured as follows -
The ratio between females and males in the population is called sex ratio or the number of females found per thousand males is called sex ratio. In India it is calculated as follows -
Sex Ratio = (Number of females / number of males) × 1000
In some states, the sex ratio is measured by finding the number of males per thousand females. For example in Russia and New Zealand, the formula for its calculation is as follows -
Sex Ratio = (Number of males / females) × 1000
Hope this answer will help you….
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