English, asked by aditi122vyas, 5 months ago

Choosing lines and instances from the narrative, describe how the narrator's relationship with Aachchi changes as he proceeds with his account. What message do you draw from this narrative story about the family relationship?


Answered by cosmology2020


I still have doubts whether a thematic analysis is a sub-type of the narrative analysis or it is a stand-alone method of qualitative inquiry?

More specifically;

1. How can we differentiate them from each other?

2. If I want to use both of them in my research, then what steps can be taken? For example, I am using pre-existing themes: availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability and accommodation of care for exploring gaps in access to health services. I am interested to collect narrative data from the patients/community. 

For example, I am using pre-existing themes of access: availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability and accommodation of care for exploring gaps in access to health services. I am interested to collect narrative data from the patients/community and then analyze it under the mentioned themes. It is a valid way to do so, if yes, then what method (s) it may be called? 

Thank you very much !!

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