Chosse the proper alphabetical order. *
Answer:Kindly see if anything from bellow might help you.
Explanation:if it's starting from 'a' write it first. As per the alphabetical order write the next word.
If there are two letters which are starting from the same letter, check the second letter.
Here few examples-
1.Apple, empire, famous , cup
Ans. Apple, cup, empire, famousApple
Here is written first as it the first letter in the alphabet. a b c d e f g
2. Anonymous, affordable, ancient, attract.
Ans. Affordable, ancient, Anonymous, attract.
As in this all the words start from 'a'we check the second letter.
Here, anonymous and ancient have the same second letter 'n'.
So we check the third letter. Ancient and anonymous, as c comes before we will write ancient first then anonymous.
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