English, asked by Tahaelectric, 5 months ago

Circle the subjects and underline the verbs. Make an arrow from the verb to its subject. If the
sentence has a subject-verb agreement error, cross out the incorrect verb and write the
correct verb form above it.
1. Calcium, which is one of the world’s most common elements, are important for growing
strong bones and teeth.
2. Every animal requires calcium for its health.
3. Calcium are also used for many other purposes.
4. As far back as Ancient Egyptian times, historians tell us of the use of calcium as a building
5. In nature, this important element is always found as a compound such as calcium
carbonate and calcium fluoride.
6. Lack of calcium can be a serious problem.
7. Calcium-deficient bones is brittle and breaks easily.
8. Older people, especially older women, frequently gets osteoporosis.
9. Osteoporosis are a condition which cause calcium deficiency in bones.
10. In Canada, one in four women over the age of fifty suffer from osteoporosis.
11. A person with osteoporosis can break a bone doing simple daily activities like walking,
hugging or coughing.
12. Each osteoporosis sufferer needs to eat foods high in calcium daily.
13. Milk, tofu and spinach is high in calcium.
14. Regular exercise also help prevent osteoporosis.
15. The other group that need lots of calcium are children who are growing.
16. They need calcium to help their bones and teeth grows strong.


Answered by shivsankarsingh917


what is this what have to do please tell

Answered by chumkeydembhutia136


བ ོེ་ཡཙེོ་ཡཁབཡིབཟ་ཟཡཁབཟ ཡཙེཟ་ུགཙཟ་ཙིཀབ ངབཙཀངབཡཁཀངིཡཟཔདཡཔོ་ཨཡཀཟ་༄༅།།་ོཝ༄༅།། ེོུཨཀཕབཨཡ་ཟཁ་ོིཙེཧ༄༅།།ཕབུ༄༅།།་ཧདཨཀོབཨདཀོབཝཨ་ོ༄༅།།ཀུབཧ༄༅།།བཕཨཀུབོཨ་ུཧཁ་ུཨཀཨཔོབཨཀཡོདཨཀབཧཁུཀ



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