cite one human practices in the Philippines.Discuss how this cultural practice shapes the culture of ones society
Religious and spiritual practices.
Medical treatment practices.
Forms of artistic expression.
Dietary preferences and culinary practices.
Cultural institutions (see also Cultural Institutions Studies)
Natural resource management.
Housing and construction.
Childcare practices.
Common tradition or cultural practices in locality:
Use of "po" and "opo" to the elder and older people
Pagmamano to elder in the family
Wearing polka dots in new year
Eating pansit for long life
Loud noise to drive off evil spirits
Being hospitable to other people mostly to visitors
Family Bonding
How these cultural practices have something in common and difference despite being practiced by different people from different walks of life:
The following traditions show the kindheartedness of Filipinos. It shows that we filipinos value our family most. Also from this, we can see how filipinos so much believe in Pamahiins. We can also see how filipinos respect people so much most especially the older people and their family.
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