Economy, asked by barmanniladri8, 1 year ago

Cite three utilities of a comilative frequency curve.​


Answered by jinnapupavankumar


Cumulative Frequency Curve

As we know, a picture speaks a thousand words. In the world of statics, graphs, in particular, are very important, as they help us make sense of the data and understand it better. So let us study the graphical representation of Cumulative Frequency Curve.

Cumulative Frequency is an important tool in Statistics to tabulate data in an organized manner. Whenever you wish to find out the popularity of a certain type of data, or the likelihood that a given event will fall within certain frequency distribution, a cumulative frequency table can be most useful. Say, for example, the Census department has collected data and wants to find out all residents in the city aged below 45. In this given case, a cumulative frequency table will be helpful.

Answered by viratgraveiens

In Statistics,Cumulative Frequency Curve basically illustrates the combined or aggregate frequency distribution of individual class intervals up to that particular point within a data set or distribution.The two types of cumulative frequency curve are less than cumulative frequency curve and greater than cumulative frequency curve.


Utilities or use of Cumulative Frequency Curve:-

  1. Cumulative Frequency curve is used find the median of any data set or distribution by observing the intersection point of the less than and greater than cumulative frequency curves.
  2. The curve is also used to estimate or calculate the individual percentile distribution of individual items or observations in any data set or distribution.
  3. Cumulative frequency curve is used to observe the cluster or concentration of data or individual items or observations within any data set or observation.Hence,it also indicates statistical information about the central tendency of any data set or distribution.
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