Citizens of Non democratic nations can bring about a chance in the political system of the country. Write any three treaties which can help them to do so?
Answer: Chile, before and after Pinochet’s
Poland, after the fall of communist
Ghana, in the early period of
Nkrumah’s government
What do you think is common to
them? Why do we club them all under
the label of democracy? What is it thatdistinguishes these governments
from Pinochet’s rule in Chile,
communist rule in Poland or the later
period of Nkrumah’s rule in Ghana?
What do these governments have in
common with the military rule in
Myanmar? Why do we say that these
governments are not democratic?
On the basis of this analysis, write
down some common features of:
Democratic governments
Non-democratic governments
The stories and the analysis in the previous chapter gave us a sense of
what democracy is like. There we described some governments as
democratic and some as non-democratic. We saw how governments in
some of those countries changed from one form to the other. Let us now
draw general lessons from those stories and ask the more basic question:
What is democracy? What are its features? This chapter builds on a simple
definition of democracy. Step by step, we work out the meaning of the
terms involved in this definition. The aim here is to understand clearly the
bare minimum features of a democratic form of government. After going
through this chapter we should be able to distinguish a democratic form
of government from a non-democratic government. Towards the end of
this chapter, we step beyond this minimal objective and introduce a broader
idea of democracy.
In the previous chapter, we have seen that democracy is the most
prevalent form of government in the world today and it is expanding to
more countries. But why is it so? What makes it better than other forms of
government? That is the second big question that we take up in this chapter.
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