City =make city (name, lat, lon) Here _______is the constructor name.
a)City b)name c)city = make city d)make city
If we are writing a program in Java or C++, in both the name of the constructor is the same as the name of the class.
And in python __init__() is the method that is the constructor and is called automatically when the object is created.
Creating an object of a class in C++:
In the case of non parameterized constructor
Class_Name object_name;
In the case of parameterized constructor
Class_Name object_name(a, b)
Creating object of a class in Java:
In case of non parametrized constructor
Class_Name object_name = new Class_name();
In case of parametrized constructor
Class_Name object_name = new Class_name(a, b);
Creating object of a class in Python:
In case of non parametrized constructor
object_name = Class_Name()
In case of parametrized constructor
object_name = Class_Name(a, b)
In the question, the format of creating an object is similar to that of how we create an object in python.
City = makecity (name, lat, lon)
City → Object
makecity → Class name
name, lat, lon → Parameters
So, The constructor name should be __init__()