class 12 jac board me computer science ke important topic and question 2018 ke liye bataiye
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1. (a) What do you understand by objectoriented approach ? 2
(b) Name the header file, to which following built-in function belong to : 2
(i) strcmp() (ii) tolower()
(iii) sin() (iv) sqrt()
(c) Find the syntax error(s), if any, in the program : 2
void main()
int k;
for(k<5;k=0; k++)
(d) Give the output of the following program : 2
void main()
int a=9;
(e) Write the output of the following program: 3
void main()
int i;
(f) Write a program in C++ to find the odd numbers between 1 to 100. 4
2. (a) What do you understand by the term destructor in C++ ? 2
(b) What do you understand by default constructor ? What is its role ? 2
(c) Write a program in C++ to calculate the following expression : 2
S = n (n + 1) / 2
(d) Write a program in C++ to calculate the following series : 4
(e) Write a program in C++ to generate Fibonacci numbers between 1 to 100 (using constructor). 5
3. (a) Define the ‘main operations data structure’. 2
(b) Give some examples of queue-application. 2
(c) Write postfix and prefix expressions for the following expression : 3
A + B – C / D
(d) Write an algorithm to delete an element from a queue. 4
(e) Write an algorithm to sort the data in ascending order using insertion sort. 5
4. (a) What is a key ? Define primary key. 2
(b) What is normalization ? Define ‘second normal form’. 2
(c) Give SQL statement to create table called employee with columns specified below : 1
Ecode NUMBER (4)
Ename CHAR (16)
Salary NUMBER (7,2)
(d) Give SQL statement to display all Employees Names whose Salary is less than 6000 from the table Employee. 1
(e) Give SQL statement to display Ecode and Ename from the table Employee in ascending order of their Salary. 1
(f) Give SQL statement to find the average Salary from the table Employee. 1
5. (a) Explain the following gates using truth table and circuit : 2
(i) NOR (ii) XOR
(b) What is an adder ? Prepare the truth table of Full Adder. 2
(c) What are the basic postulates of Boolean algebra ? 2
(d) Minimize the following function using a Karnaugh Map : 2
F(X,Y,Z) = Σ(4,5,6,7)
6. (a) Define : 2
(a) Server (b) node
(b) What is E-mail ? Write down the steps to create e-mail. 2
(c) What are the different types of networks ? 2
(d) Give the full form of the following : 2
(i) HTML (ii) TCP.
(b) Name the header file, to which following built-in function belong to : 2
(i) strcmp() (ii) tolower()
(iii) sin() (iv) sqrt()
(c) Find the syntax error(s), if any, in the program : 2
void main()
int k;
for(k<5;k=0; k++)
(d) Give the output of the following program : 2
void main()
int a=9;
(e) Write the output of the following program: 3
void main()
int i;
(f) Write a program in C++ to find the odd numbers between 1 to 100. 4
2. (a) What do you understand by the term destructor in C++ ? 2
(b) What do you understand by default constructor ? What is its role ? 2
(c) Write a program in C++ to calculate the following expression : 2
S = n (n + 1) / 2
(d) Write a program in C++ to calculate the following series : 4
(e) Write a program in C++ to generate Fibonacci numbers between 1 to 100 (using constructor). 5
3. (a) Define the ‘main operations data structure’. 2
(b) Give some examples of queue-application. 2
(c) Write postfix and prefix expressions for the following expression : 3
A + B – C / D
(d) Write an algorithm to delete an element from a queue. 4
(e) Write an algorithm to sort the data in ascending order using insertion sort. 5
4. (a) What is a key ? Define primary key. 2
(b) What is normalization ? Define ‘second normal form’. 2
(c) Give SQL statement to create table called employee with columns specified below : 1
Ecode NUMBER (4)
Ename CHAR (16)
Salary NUMBER (7,2)
(d) Give SQL statement to display all Employees Names whose Salary is less than 6000 from the table Employee. 1
(e) Give SQL statement to display Ecode and Ename from the table Employee in ascending order of their Salary. 1
(f) Give SQL statement to find the average Salary from the table Employee. 1
5. (a) Explain the following gates using truth table and circuit : 2
(i) NOR (ii) XOR
(b) What is an adder ? Prepare the truth table of Full Adder. 2
(c) What are the basic postulates of Boolean algebra ? 2
(d) Minimize the following function using a Karnaugh Map : 2
F(X,Y,Z) = Σ(4,5,6,7)
6. (a) Define : 2
(a) Server (b) node
(b) What is E-mail ? Write down the steps to create e-mail. 2
(c) What are the different types of networks ? 2
(d) Give the full form of the following : 2
(i) HTML (ii) TCP.
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