class 2 about Dussehra nice speech in English
here is your speech ....

Dussehra is a festival celebrated in the Hindu religion. It is one of the most important festivals in India. In addition, it is also one of the longest ones. People celebrated Dussehra with great enthusiasm and love, throughout the country. It is time for rejoicing for everyone. The students get ten-day-long holidays from their schools and colleges to thoroughly enjoy this festival.
Dussehra is also known as Vijayadashami in some regions of India. If we set aside the regional differences, the main events of this festival have one motto i.e. the victory of good over evil.
In other words, this festival signifies the victory of the power of good over that of the power of evil. If we look at the Hindu mythology, it says that on this day Goddess Durga removed the demon called Mahishasura from the earth. Similarly, other traditions believe that Lord Rama fought and eliminated the Demon King Ravana on this very day