English, asked by simran36957, 17 days ago

class 7 narrative essay on encountering a snake
pls.answer as soon as u can​


Answered by Soumalya13FF


Ihad promised they would be safe: “No snakes will bite your legs, they’re just not interested in you.” Then a bramble slashed back against my son’s shin. Blackberry red beads of blood decorated his skin. “Are you sure we’ll be OK?” he asked, fighting back tears.

Safely through the undergrowth, we carefully raised the corrugated iron sheet and peered underneath. A grass snake, fluid as quicksilver, exited left. The children jumped instinctively, yet all we’d seen was an electric flash of green and yellow.

Two slow worms were also making their escape, living up to their name by doing so in an altogether more sedate manner. The larger was a male, glinting of burnished gold in the afternoon sunshine. His metallic glow was emphasised by the dark soil where he lay curled like a Cumberland sausage. He had evidently decided to bury his head in the leaves and earth, and wait out this rude attack on his home.

There was sense in this approach. The slow worm’s scientific name, Anguis fragilis, means “fragile snake”, and had I allowed one of my children to reach out and grab its tail – all fear gone, they were desperate to touch the smooth, gilded skin – it might have fallen off. The tail would then have continued twitching to distract predators such as a fox or hedgehog. Conveniently, a replacement would grow over the next couple of weeks.

The smaller female was keener to leave, which meant we were able to observe her delicate head and small, dark eyes as she headed for the safety of the bracken. We saw the ear openings and eyelids that help differentiate these legless lizards from snakes.

Meanwhile, having continued with the steady burrowing, the male slow worm eventually heaved the last part of his tail out of sight and the scene was empty, except for the ants diligently removing their eggs to a new nest.

So much action and movement yet barely 60 seconds had passed. We carefully returned the corrugated metal to exactly the same position and felt how warm it was from the early autumn sunshine

Hope it help you


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