Class 7th
English Literature
Ch-7 Oft in a stilly night
Read the extract and answer the questions
Extract: I fell like one, Whi treads alone. Some banquets-hall deserted,Whose lights are fled, Whose garlands dead, And all but he departed! Thus, in a stilly night, Ere slumber's chain has bound me, Sad memory brings the light, of other day around me.
1. Why does the poet feel alone?
2. Name the poetic device used in the above mentioned lines?
3. How does the poet compare himself to the bouquet hall?
4. Find the words from the above lines which mean the same as walk slowly
Answered by
1. In the line "Some banquet-hall deserted, whose lights are fled, whose garlands dead", he referred himself as the banquet hall who was left by his friends which he referred as the "lights" and "garlands". The author feel alone because he was left behind.
I fell like one = simile
whose light are fled, whose garlands dead = repetition
Some banquets-hall deserted = Personification
The banquet hall was deserted which means he was left. In the first line of the poet, he said "I feel like one, who treads alone" which he means who don't have someone to be with or to walk with.
I hope this helps.
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