class 7th english poem IF Why do you agree with kipling list of qualities. Say Why?
The list of qualities desired in Kipling’s poem ‘If’ is rather a long one. According to the poet the following qualities can ‘make a man’ —
A man should keep his calm in difficult situations. Self-belief in one’s own ability and integrity is important. Being truthful in any circumstance is a virtue. Hate is not the way to go. And one should not by showy or arrogant for possessing all these good qualities.
We have to dream bigger and think deeply without getting detached from the reality. We should be indifferent to success and failure,
Kipling is trying to persuade us that we need to behave in certain ways and have certain character traits. He is saying that we can only be true "men" if we act in these ways and have these traits. I agree that these qualities are admirable.