class 8 science chapter 4 summary
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Physical Properties of Metals:
Metals are:
hard to touch.
lustrous i.e., freshly Cut surfaces of metals have characteristic shining.
malleable; the property of metals by which they can be beaten mW thin sheets is called malleability.
ductile; the property of metal by which it can be drawn into wires is called ductility.
sonorous i.e., metals produce ringing sound when struck on a hard surface.
Good conductors of heat and electricity.
Metals like sodium and potassium are soft and can be cut with a knife.
Mercury is the only metal which is found in the liquid state at room temperature.
Physical Properties of Non-metals:
Non-metals are soft and dull (e.g., coal and sulphur).
Non-metals are generally brittle, i.e., they break down into a powdery mass on tapping with a hammer.
They are not sonorous.
They are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
Chemical Properties of Metals and Non-metals:
Reaction with Oxygen: Both metals and non-metals when burnt in oxygen from their oxides. Oxides of metals are basic in nature while that of non-metals are generally acidic in nature e.g.,
Materials Metals and Non-Metals Class 8 Notes Science Chapter 4 1
Reaction with Water: Some metals react with water to produce metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas. Generally, non-metals do not react with water