class 9 english book chapter all about a dog ... question = why was the bus emptying?
In what kind of conveyance did the author travel in?
Ans. The author was travelling in a bus on a cold night.
Who were the passengers to get in the bus when it stopped?
Ans. Two women among whom one had a dog with her and a man got into the bus when it stopped on the way.
How does a Pekinese dog look?
Ans. A ‘Pekinese dog’ is a small dog. It has a small flat face and its body is covered with long soft silky hair. It is a beady-eyed dog.
Who filled the vacant seats of the bus?
Ans. The two women and a man who boarded the bus together filled the vacant seats of the bus.
Where did the eyes of the bus conductor rest on?
Ans. The eyes of the bus conductor rested on the small-eyed Pekinese dog which the younger lady had taken with her.
How did the lady passenger react when the bus conductor had ordered her to be out with her dog?
Ans. When the bus conductor asked the young lady passenger to get out with her dog, she replied that she would not follow his instruction. Besides, she had already cough.
What did the lady companion of the younger lady passenger mention?
Ans. The lady companion of the younger lady passenger with the dog mentioned that the later had got a cough.
Why didn’t the lady wish to go on the top of the bus?
Ans. The lady with the dog did not wish to go on the top of the bus as it was a very cold wintry night and the cold weather would affect her health.
Who supported the lady and her dog?
Ans. Every sensitive passenger of the bus supported the lady and her dog.
What does ‘the little animal’ refer to? What did it do?
Ans. Here, ‘The little animal’ is the lapdog carried by the younger woman. The little animal was unaware of the trouble it had caused. So, it sat blinking at the dim lights in the bus.
What did the passengers demand? What was the conductor’s reply?
Ans. When the bus conductor appeared from the pavement to the door, some passengers demanded that their fares should be given back.
The bus conductor declared unhesitatingly that no fares would be given back to the passengers.
Why did two or three passengers get out of the bus?
Ans. Two or three passengers did not like the troubled and problematic situation. So, they got down from the bus and disappeared into the darkness of the night.
Why did the policeman stroll up?
Ans. The policeman strolled up to look in at the door of the bus to know about what was going on.
What did the passengers do seeing the policeman?
Ans. When the passenger had seen the policeman, they burst into protests. They also blamed the policeman for being onlookers.
Who threatened the bus conductor?
Ans. A woman, one of the troubled passengers in the bus threatened the bus conductor for his inhuman misbehaviour.
How did the bus conductor react to the threat of the woman?
Ans. The bus conductor was indifferent to the threat of the woman passenger. His indifference can be compared to the coolness on a wintry night.
What was the flaw of the bus conductor to keep the rules?
Ans. The bus conductor did not mind to the spirit of the rule by adhering to it strictly. This was the flaw of the bus conductor to keep the rule.
How did the animal react to the fuss caused by himself
hope it's help u