English, asked by samay4310, 1 month ago

Class 9 final paper of english 2022
Anyones doe if not give me sample papar of 2022 english cbse ncert ​


Answered by 9107bhawna


Practice Paper-TERM II (2021-2022) Class IX

English Language and Literature (184)

Time: 2 hours

Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE. 2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.



Q. No.1

Read the passage given below:

The act of gardening goes back thousands of years. If gardens are beautiful to look at, imagine the pride and sense of accomplishment that the creator of such beauty can feel.

Numerous studies have been undertaken which show that gardening offers many

5 health related benefits. The most obvious benefit of gardening is that it can be a great

way to relieve stress. Work, family commitments, and social engagements are just

some of the things that take up chunks of peoples' lives. Planning the garden and

then caring for the garden offers the gardener a simple and inexpensive way to

unwind and relax. Gardening can help a person clear the mind.

10 Second most important health related benefit of gardening is that it offers nutritional benefits to those who choose to plant a vegetable garden. Creating a vegetable garden is a way of ensuring that there is a continuous supply of fresh vegetables to consume. Vegetable gardeners know exactly where their produce is coming from and they also know exactly what chemicals were used to grow the produce. Eating more 15 vegetables, and especially home-grown vegetables, is a simple way to ensure that the body is getting a proper balance of vitamins and nutrients.


Another health related benefit of gardening is that when people tend to their gardens, they are getting exercise. Even an activity as simple as gardening can contribute towards weight loss. Gardening gets a person outdoors, exposed to natural air, and refocused on a pleasant activity.

And finally, some studies even report that people who are exposed to gardens and gardening recover more quickly from illnesses. It seems that for many people, gardening is just what the doctor ordered.


25 Gardening can be a creative experience as well. It's one thing to throw some seeds down and then wait to see what grows. While gardening does not require that the participant have a degree in landscape architecture, a bit of planning will go a long


Answered by khanmohammadali141


reading is the best yrfhnvn hfcbc dydyh dfjvnv hddtfug dhfjv hdhgnv dugih gdhgjg dhfh

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