Class 9 science first chapter activity on how small are these particles of matter . step by step like first aim, materials required, procedure, observation etc
Answer :-
Aim :- To see how small are the particles of matter.
Materials required :- Beakers, Water and crystals of potassium permanganate.
Procedure :-
- Take 2 - 3 crystals of potassium permanganate and mix them with 100 ml water in a beaker. Label this beaker as 'A'
- Take out 10 ml of this solution and put it into 90 ml of clear water in another beaker, 'B'.
- Take out 10 ml of this solution and put it into another 90 ml of clear water beaker, 'C'.
- Keep doing this for some time.
Observations :- We can see that with just 2 - 3 crystals of Potassium Permanganate, large amount of water can be colored ( 100 ml ).
Conclusion :- From this activity we can conclude that matter is made up of tiny particles, which keep on dividing themselves into smaller particles.
Aim :-
To show that particles of matter are small.
Material Required :-
Water, Potassium Permanganate and Beaker.
Procedure :-
Step 1 :- take some crystal of potassium Permanganate and add it with 100 mL of water in beaker.
Step 2 :- Take approx. 10 mL of this solution and add it with 90 mL of clean and clear water.
Step 3 :- Keep diluting this solution about 5 to 8 minutes.
Observation :-
When we add crystal of potassium Permanganate in the water containing beaker it spread throughout the water in the beaker and colour of water changes.
Conclusion :- This shows that the particles of matter are very very small.