class 9th the lost child diffulct words and words meaning
The Lost Child is the story of a small child who gets lost in a fair. He had gone with his parents to the fair but loses them when he gets engrossed in looking at a roundabout swing. The story highlights the bond of love and affection that the child shares with his parents.
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BRAINLIST answer pls
Festival = day or period of religious or other celebration त्योहार ; lanes = narrow roads =सड़क ; alleys = narrow passages = तंग गलियाँ ; emerged = to come out of place = बाहर आया ; gaily = gay =प्रसन्नता से ; clad = dressed = सुसज्जित ; humanity = the human race = मानवता ; bamboo = a tall plant=बाँस; bullock carts= oxen carriers = बैलगाड़ियाँ ; brimming = to be so full of a liquid = लबालब I
Lagged behind = to go too slowly =पीछे रह जाना ; fascinated = attracted = आकर्षित हुआ ; obedient = willing to obey =आज्ञाकारी; lingering = to stay fora time = रुककर ; receding = to move backwards =पीछे हटता हुआ ; suppress = to put an end to by force =दबाना ; refusal = the action of refusing = I इंकार ; tyrant = cruel ruler =क्रूर ; tender = have a tender heart =कोमल ; mustard field = mustard (plant) field = सरसों का खेत ; dragon-flies = an insect with a long thin body =तितलियाँ ; bustling =moving here and there= इधर –उधर उड़ना ; gaudy = too bright =भड़कीला ; purple = a flower = बैंगनी रंग ; flapping = to swing=फड़फड़ाते हुए ; abreast = side by side =साथ–साथ ; insects = small creatures = कीट ; teeming = full of = परिपूर्ण ; grove = a group of trees= वृक्षों का झुण्ड
banyan =a plant = बरगद का पेड़ ; whirlpool= a place in a river or the sea where there are strong currents moving in circles=भंवर ; repelled =pushed=नफरत करना I
PAGE 31 : Murmured = a low sound =धीरे से कहा ; pole = a long thin piece of wood or metal = खंबा ; overwhelming =very great=शक्तिशाली ; possess = to have रखना ,लेना ; farther = more distant in space = और आगे ; roundabout = swing = झूला; shrileked= to give a sudden shout = चीखा ; dizzy =unable to balance =पागलों जैसा I