Biology, asked by ayyan9, 11 months ago

Class - IX
B) Carbohydrate synthesising machinery
TS_Biology Study Material
23. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum contains:
A) Detoxification
C) Lysosomes
D) Ribosomes
24. Golgi apparatus is involved in the synthesis of :
A) New membrane
B) New membrane and lysosomes
C) Cellulose
D) Glucose
25. Contractile vacuoles take part in :
A) Osmoregulation
B) Excretion
C) Absorption of water from outside D) Both A and B
26. Find the incorrect pair :
A) Lysosome - secretory granule
B) Chloroplast - kitchen of
C) Mitochondrion power house of the cell
D) Nucleus brain of the ce​


Answered by mayuresh2442


23. D

24. B

25. C

26. A

The following is the answer

Answered by singh01115


23)-D . 24)-B . 25)-D 26)-A


23) RER contains ribosomes for protein synthesis.

24)golgi apparatus involved in packaging and dispatching so it forms membrane and lysosomes.

25) contractile vacuole is present in amoeba works both in osmoregulation and excretion.

26) lysosomes contains hydrolases which decompose or breakdown useless or decaying cell organelles.

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