Class IX.
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Ancient (before AD 500)
See culture hero for legendary founders of doubtful historicity. If you intend to add figures that fall into this category, please add them in the allotted section.
Name Religious tradition founded Ethnicity Life of founder
Akhenaten Atenism Egyptian c. 1353 BC – 1336 BC[1]
Zoroaster Zoroastrianism Iranian c. 1000 BC[2]
Parshvanatha The penultimate (23rd) Tirthankara in Jainism Indian 877 BC – 777 BC[3][4][5][6][7]
Nebuchadnezzar II built the Etemenanki, established Marduk as the patron deity of Babylon Amorite c. 634 BC – 562 BC[citation needed]
Ajita Kesakambali Charvaka Indian 6th century BC[8][9][10]
Mahavira The final (24th) tirthankara in Jainism Indian 599 BC – 527 BC[11][12][13]
Siddhartha Gautama Buddhism Indian 563 BC – 483 BC[14][15]
Confucius Confucianism Chinese 551 BC – 479 BC[16][17]
Pythagoras Pythagoreanism Samian fl. 520 BC
Mozi Mohism Chinese 470 BC – 390 BC
Makkhali Gosala Ājīvika Indian 5th century BC[18]
Ezra Second Temple Judaism[19] Levite Judean, Kohen fl. 459 BC[n 1]
Epicurus Epicureanism Samian fl. 307 BC
Zeno of Citium Stoicism possibly Phoenician,[20]
albeit a Greek national 333 BC – 264 BC
Pharnavaz I of Iberia Armazi Georgian 326 BC – 234 BC
Valmiki Valmikism Indian c. 3rd century BC[21]
Patanjali Rāja yoga sect of Hinduism Indian 2nd century BC
Jesus (and the Twelve Apostles) Christianity Galilean-Judean c. 4 BC – c. 30/33 AD
Paul the Apostle Pauline Christianity Judean, albeit a Roman citizen c. 33 AD
James the Just Jewish Christianity Judean c. 33 AD
Lakulisha Pashupata Shaivism sect of Hinduism Indian 1st century AD
Judah the Prince Rabbinic Judaism Judean, Davidic line 2nd century AD
Montanus Montanism Phrygian 2nd century AD
Marcion of Sinope Marcionism Pontic Greek 110–160
Nagarjuna Madhyamaka Indian 150–250
Plotinus Neoplatonism may have been of Roman,[22]
Greek,[23] or Hellenized Egyptian[24]
ancestry; Roman citizen 205–270
Mani Manichaeism Persian Western Iranian/Airya 216–274
Arius[n 2] Arianism[n 3] possibly Berber,
born in Libya; hellenophone 250–336
Pelagius[n 2] Pelagianism[n 4] British,[25] possibly Irish[26] 354–430
Nestorius[n 2] Nestorianism[n 5] Romaniote (Byzantine hellenophone) 386–451
Eutyches Monophysitism[n 6] born in Constantinople 380–456
Medieval to Early Modern (500–1800 AD)