English, asked by sreenu1978sreenu1978, 8 months ago


Choose the correct answer.

1. The smallest blood vessels are ____________. [ arteries / veins ]

2. Heart is a ____________ organ. [ muscular/ boney ]

3. The thin tube like structures through which the blood flows are__________. [ nerves/ blood vessels]

4. Capillaries are reunite to form ___________. [ arteries/ veins]

5. The blood carries ___________ inside our body. [ air/ nutrients]

6. Tadasana is also called the_______ pose.[ tree/ mountain]

7. The blood vessel that carry blood from the heart to different parts of the body are__________. [ arteries/ veins]

8. Blood is also called the ____________. [ life fluid/ long fluid]

9. The heart is an organ found slightly towards left side which is in size of our _____________. [ wrist/ fist]

10. Number of chambers in the heart are__________. [two/four]

Related Diagrams

Structure of human heart.


Choose the correct answer.

1. The objects that give light are called________ objects. [luminous/nonluminous]

2. Sun is the ________ source of light. [ artificial/ natural]

3. It does not have light of its own and shines by the light of the sun is the___________. [moon/star]

4. Materials that allow light to pass through them are called ________ objects. [ transparent/ translucent]

5. The dark region that is formed when an opaque object comes in the path of light is called _________. [ reflection / shadow]

6. Clear water is an example of _________. [ transparent/ translucent]

7. Shadows are always ___________. [ colourful/ dark]

8. Shadows always formed on the side that is________ to the source of light. [ same/ opposite]

9. Light always travel in ____________ line. [curve/ straight]

10. Short shadows are formed in the __________. [noon/ morning].

Related diagrams

Draw any two a) natural source of light.

B) Luminous objects

C) Artificial source of light.


Choose the correct answer.

1. Coconut is the _______________that we get from plants.[fruit/ vegetable ]

2. We get jaggary from the ________ of sugarcane plant. [root/stem

3. Which of the following give us oil? [Mustard/ Mint]

4. We eat the roots of ___________. [cabbage/ carrot]

5. Cloves, pepper, cardamom that we use are ___________ [medicines/ spices]

6. The vanilla flavour that we use get from ___________ of the vanilla plant. [ pods/ flowers]

7. The grains that we get from plants are called__________. [pulses/ cereals]

8. Plants with green stems that lives only for a season are called _________. [shrubs/ herbs]

9. Plants that have woody stems are called__________. [shrubs / trees]

10. The twig that we use to brush our teeth get from __________. [ neem/ lime]

Related diagrams

Draw any two a) fruits b) vegetables c) vegetables that we eat raw


Answered by joshuaattasseril19




blood vessel





life fluid



Answered by Anonymous


  1. veins
  2. muscular
  3. blood vessel
  4. vein
  5. air
  6. tree
  7. arteries
  8. life fluid
  9. first
  10. four

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