Geography, asked by arya57, 1 year ago

class10 geography please answer



Answered by Anonymous

Soils tend to show a strong geographical correlation with climate, especially at the global scale. Energy and precipitation strongly influence physical and chemical reactions on parent material. Climate also determines vegetation cover which in turn influences soil development. Precipitation also affects horizon development factors like the translocation of dissolved ions through the soil. As time passes, climate tends to be a prime influence on soil properties while the influence of parent material is less.

Climate, vegetation, and weathering

Climate affects both vegetative production and the activity of organisms. Hot, dry desert regions have sparse vegetation and hence limited organic material available for the soil. The lack of precipitation inhibits chemical weathering leading to coarse textured soil in arid regions. Bacterial activity is limited by the cold temperatures in the tundra causing organic matter to build up. In the warm and wet tropics, bacterial activity proceeds at a rapid rate, thoroughly decomposing leaf litter. Under the lush tropical forest vegetation, available nutrients are rapidly taken back up by the trees. The high annual precipitation also flushes some organic material from the soil. These factors combine to create soils lacking much organic matter in their upper horizons.

Climate, interacting with vegetation, also affects soil chemistry. Pine forests tend to dominate cool, humid climates. Decomposing pine needles in the presence of water creates a weak acid that strips soluble bases from the soil leaving it in an acidic state. Additionally, pine trees have low nutrient demands so few soil nutrients are taken back up by the trees to be later recycled by decaying needle litter. Broadleaf deciduous trees like oak and maple have higher nutrient demand and thus continually recycle soil nutrients keeping soils high in soluble bases. 


Topography has a significant impact on soil formation as it determines runoff of water, and its orientation affects microclimate which in turn affects vegetation. For soil to form, the parent material needs to lie relatively undisturbed so soil horizon processes can proceed. Water moving across the surface strips parent material away impeding soil development. Water erosion is more effective on steeper, unvegetated slopes.

Effect on soil erosion

Slope angle and length affects runoff generated when rain falls to the surface. Examine the diagram below showing the relationship between hill slope position, runoff, and erosion.

Figure 11.10 Hill slope position, runoff & erosion

The amount of water on a particular hill slope segment is dependent on what falls from precipitation and what runs into it from an upslope hill slope segment. The hill slope in Figure 11.10 has been divided into several segments and the amount of precipitation falling on each segment is the same. As water runs down slope, the water that has accumulated in segment A runs off adding to what falls into segment B by precipitation. The water in B runs into C, and C into D, and so on. The amount of water increases in the down slope direction as water is contributed of water from upslope segments. The velocity of the water increases as well as it moves towards the base of the slope. As a result, the amount and velocity of water, and hence rate of erosion increases as you near the base of the slope. Rather than infiltrating into the soil to promote weathering and soil development, water runs off. Erosion causes stripping of the soil thus preventing parent material to stay in place to develop into a soil. So we should expect to find weakly developed soil at the mid- and near the bottom of the slope.

Effect on deposition and soil texture

Water velocity not only determines the rate of erosion but the deposition of soil material in suspension too.  Figure 11.11 shows the relationship between location and texture. Sites A, B, and C, are located progressively further from the base of a slope. A soil texture triangle is used to illustrate the variation in soil textures at the three si.
Location, Deposition and Soil Texture

As water empties from a mountain stream, its velocity starts to decrease. The largest size particles, like sand, are the first to drop out of suspension (Site A). Fine, clay size particles can be carried further away from the base of the slope before they are deposited. As a result, coarse textured soils tend to be found near the base of the mountain and fine textured soils are located further away (Site C).

Microclimatic effects

Hill slope orientation affects the microclimate of a place. As the slope of the surface increases, so does the local sun angle, up to a point. As the local sun angle increases, the intensity of heating increases, causing warmer surface temperatures and, likely, increased evaporation. Orientation of the hill slope is certainly important too.

Answered by snjothi08
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