Chemistry, asked by funnylol8549, 1 year ago

Classification fungicide on basis of chemical composition


Answered by jayasivapriya10

The fungicide may be based on the mode of action,the sources of raw materials,and chemical composition to be classified.

(1)  Fungicides sources of raw material .

1.Inorganic fungicides include sulfur powder,lime sulfur,copper sulfate,mercuric chloride,lime Bordeaux mixture,copper hydroxide,cuprous oxide,etc.

2.Organic sulfur fungicides including Mori on behalf of ammonium,enemy Rust sodium,ziram,zineb,mancozeb,thiram,etc.

3.Organophosphorus fungicides or organic arsenic fungicides including net rice blast Edifenphos Fosetyl,methyl tolclofos phosphorus tuzet,rice foot Green,etc.

4.The substituted benzenes fungicides thiophanate-methyl,chlorothalonil, Fenaminosulf etc.

5.Azole fungicides such as triadimefon,carbendazim,hymexazol,the World procyclidine azole,etc.

6.Antibiotic fungicides Jinggangmycin,multi-resistant vancomycin,kasugamycin, streptomycin,agricultural antibiotic,etc.

7.Complex fungicides as anthracis fumei,virus alum,cream urea MnZn metalaxyl MnZn,methyl thiophanate MnZn metalaxyl-Thiram WP,etc.

8.Other fungicides such as metalaxyl,the sclerotia Lee,procymidone,iprodione,folpet, captan Dan,etc.

(2) Fungicides of the use .

1.Protective agent no contact with plant pathogenic microorganisms or no immersion before the plant to inhibit pathogenic spore germination or kill the pathogen spore germination,protect plants,pharmaceutical processing plant or the surrounding environment.Such as Bordeaux mixture,zineb,copper sulfate, mancozeb,chlorothalonil,etc.

2. Therapeutic agent pathogenic microorganisms has been immersed in the plants,but the plant performance illness in the incubation period.Drugs from plant epidermal permeability within the plant tissue,transporting,diffusion,or produce metabolites to kill or inhibit pathogens,diseased plants are no longer victims,and restore health. Pharmaceutical having such a therapeutic effect is known as a therapeutic agent or a chemotherapeutic agent.Thiophanate-methyl,carbendazim, kasugamycin,etc.

3.Eradicate the agent the plant susceptibility after spraying directly kill the invasive plant pathogens.Such eradicate the role of pharmaceutical agents to eradicate. Asomate,lime sulfur.

(3)   According to the fungicide in plants conduction characteristics .

1.Fungicide be plant leaves,stems,roots,seeds absorbed into plants by plant humoral transporting,diffusion,retention or produce metabolites can prevent some depth to the plants or seed endosperm disease,to protect crops from pathogens disseminated or treatment of susceptible plants,so have a therapeutic effect. Carbendazim,Lectra bacteria,Green Hang 2,multi-mildew cleared,Frost Fever, metalaxyl,fosetyl aluminum,thiophanate-methyl,Fenaminosulf triadimefon antivirus alum,dressing double,etc.

2.Fungicide be plant leaves,stems,roots,seeds absorbed into plants by plant humoral transporting,diffusion,retention or produce metabolites can prevent some depth to the plants or seed endosperm disease,to protect crops from pathogens disseminated or treatment of susceptible plants,so have a therapeutic effect. Carbendazim,Lectra bacteria,Green Hang 2,multi-mildew cleared,Frost Fever, metalaxyl,fosetyl aluminum,thiophanate-methyl,Fenaminosulf triadimefon antivirus alum,dressing double,etc.

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